2011年10月25日 星期二



正題名 (1.2.3)
並列題名 (2.3)
副題名 (2.3)
著者敘述 (1.2.3)
版本敘述 (2.3)
關係版本著者敘述 (2.3)

出版地.經銷地等 (2.3)
出版者.經銷者等 (1.2.3)
出版者.經銷者職責敘述( 3)
出版年.經銷年 (1.2.3)

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插圖及其他稽核細節 (2.3)
高廣.尺寸 (2.3)
附件 (2.3)

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集叢並列題名 (2.3)
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集叢者敘述 (2.3)
集叢之國際標準叢刊號碼 (2.3)
集叢號 (2.3)
其他集叢敘述 (2.3)

附註 (1.2.3)

標準號碼 (1.2.3)
識別題名 (3)
獲得方式 (3)
裝訂及其他區別字樣 (3)

AACR2(Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules Second Edition)的細目:

Title Proper (1.2.3)
General material designation (3)
Parallel titles (2.3)
Other title information (2.3)
Statements of responsibility (1.2.3)

Edition statement (1.2.3)
Statements of responsibility relating to the edition (3)
Statement relating to a named revision of an edition (3)
Statements of responsibility relating to a named revision of an edition (3)

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Name of publisher, distributor, etc. (1.2. 3)
Statement of function of publisher, distributor, etc. (3)
Date of publication, distribution, etc. (1.2.3)
Place of printing, name of printer, date of printing (3)

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Illustrative matter (3)
Dimensions(2. 3)
Accompanying material (3)

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Statements of responsibility relating to series (2.3)
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Subseries (3)

Notes (3)

International Standard Book Number(ISBN) (1.2.3)
Key-title (3)
Terms of availability (3)
Qualification (3)

